How to Hang Weights on a Grandfather Clock?

How to Hang Weights on a Grandfather Clock? - Premier Clocks


Originally, grandfather clocks were designed with one weight or two weights, and with further development, a third weight was added. Each weight has a different task. 


➤  Check out a full selection of Grandfather Clocks at Premier Clocks.


Grandfather Clock Weight Placement: 

Grandfather Clock Weights Positions and Functions - Premier Clocks


Grandfather Clock with Different Number of Weights

Grandfather clocks with one weight have a strike only on an hour which indicates that this is a 30-hour clock. It needs winding everyday and has only one winding hole because it uses the same weight for timekeeping and for the strike. Due to this, these grandfather clocks are less expensive. 

Grandfather clocks with two weights are often called an 8-day clock. In addition to the weight that powers the clock, this kind of grandfather clock has a separate weight to drive the striking mechanism of the chimes. Eight day grandfather clocks require two winding holes to wind the weights to their initial position with the help of a winding ‘key’. 

Grandfather clocks with three weights mean that there is an additional 1/4-hour strike. Similar to the two weight clocks, it should be wound back every week.  Nowadays, most grandfather clocks have three weights with separate purposes. The weight on the right powers the clock, the weight on the middle drives the pendulum, the weight on the left controls the striking mechanism.


How to Hand Weights on Grandfather Clocks that Require Weights Suspended from a Pulley and Cable?

When you set your clock up in a secure position, do not remove the styrofoam blocks until after your clock has been operating. You can remove the styrofoam blocks AFTER they become loose through normal operation, which typically occurs after eight (8) hours of run time.

Most clocks use three weights. The bottom of each weight is labeled as to its proper hanging position as you view your clock from the front. The total weight of each weight is slightly different and each WEIGHT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ITS CORRECT LOCATION FOR THE CLOCK TO OPERATE PROPERLY. Check the weights to ensure that they are tightly assembled.

Check to make sure that the cable is in the cable pulley. Hang the weights on the pulleys.

Grandfather Clocks that Require Weights Suspended from a Pulley and Cable - Premier Clocks 

NEVER wind a cable drive movement without weights installed.



How to Hand Weights Grandfather Clocks that Require Weights Suspended from a Chain?

Most clocks use three weights. The bottom of each weight is labeled as to its proper hanging position as you view your clock from the front. The total weight of each weight is slightly different and each WEIGHT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ITS CORRECT LOCATION FOR THE CLOCK TO OPERATE PROPERLY. Check the weights to ensure that they are tightly assembled.

Ensure that each link of each chain is properly positioned on the teeth of the sprocket. Hang each weight on the solid hook at the end of the chain, never on the chain links.

Grandfather Clocks that Require Weights Suspended from a Chain - Premier Clocks


How to Raise Grandfather Clock Weights?

The weights must be raised every seven (7) days or the clock will stop.

Grandfather Clock: Cables with Pulleys

Weights that are suspended by cables with pulleys should be raised by using the crank provided. DO NOT lift the weights by hand while cranking. Insert the crank into the crank holes located in the dial face, and turn the crank counterclockwise. This will raise the weights.

Grandfather Clock: Cables with Pulleys - Premier Clocks


Grandfather Clock: Chains

IMPORTANT: PULL STRAIGHT DOWN ON THE CHAIN. DO NOT lift up on the weights as this could cause the weights to come unhooked from the chains. Pull down on the loose end of the chain until the weight is approximately 2” from the bottom of the wood movement mounting board.

Grandfather Clock: Chains - Premier Clocks


Why Do Grandfather Clock Weights Do Not Drop at the Same Level?

When the automatic nighttime shutoff feature is selected, and on some models the “silent” feature, it is normal that the center weight will drop at a faster rate than the other weights.


Does a Grandfather Clock with Quartz Movement have Weights?

Some clocks have decorative chains and weight shells. The chains are used to support the decorative weight shells, and have been secured for shipment in a bag and are located directly under the quartz movement. As you remove the chains from the bag, please notice each chain has a hook at the end. These hooks are used to hang the decorative weight shells.

Grandfather Clock with Quartz Movement Weights - Premier Clocks



More about grandfather clocks:

17 Responses


December 16, 2023

After moving my Ridgway and leaving it set for 2 years, I started running it again. My problem is the chime isn’t as loud as before. Nothing appears damaged in anyway. Any thought on why it’s quieter now?

Premier Clocks
Premier Clocks

March 05, 2023

Hello Jerry! The weight placement depends on the manufacturer. But general rule is that when facing the grandfather clock, the heaviest weight should be placed on the right. Hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Premier Clocks

Premier Clocks
Premier Clocks

March 05, 2023

Hi Alan!

Yes, you can switch the weights. Just remember to use the cloth or gloves when you touch the weight shells.

Best wished,
Premier Clocks


March 05, 2023

My neighbor gave me a Ridgeway grandfather clock because shes moving. I just noticed its not chiming and I saw the right weight is in the middle and the center weight is on the right. Can I switch it myself while the clock works. Seems easy to do. Thank you.


March 05, 2023

My clock only has two weights. One is slightly larger and heavier than the other. I was told the smaller weight goes on the right ( I’m assuming my right as I look at the clock ) but all the research I’ve found says the heavier weight goes on the right. Can you tell me which is correct? I’m having issues keeping the pendulum swinging. The clock is level and the pendulum doesn’t touch any part of the clock frame as it swings….

Premier Clocks
Premier Clocks

January 29, 2023

Hi Mike!

Each weights should have a separate chain as they are responsible for different clock operations.

Best wishes,
Premier Clocks

Mike W.
Mike W.

January 29, 2023

Hi-I recently found an old grandfather clock that has two weights and only one chain. There are two sprockets for the one chain to go over.

I can not get the clock to work. I know it needs cleaning but am wondering if the chain/weight situation is part of the reason it will not run?

Thanks for any advice you can offer me.


Premier Clocks
Premier Clocks

January 16, 2023

Hi Jefd,

The weight placement depends on the manufacturer. When facing the grandfather clock, place the heaviest weight on the right, the second heaviest in the middle, and the least heavy on the left. This should work.
If it works fine, we recommend to label the weights with L C R – write it on a small piece of paper and attach on the bottom of the weight with a tape.

Best wishes,
Premier Clocks


January 16, 2023

It’s not marked on the weight at all nowhere, I can tell the weights are different heavy, medium, light.
So which one goes where?

Premier Clocks
Premier Clocks

January 09, 2023

Hi Bobbi! Usually, the brand of the clock appears on the dial. In some cases, it is possible to find it inside of the clock on the door or on the back panel.
What kind of clock do you have? Is it a grandfather clock or wall clock?


January 09, 2023

How do I know what brand of clock I have? I cant switch the chime lever all the way down so it wont chime. Any ideas?


October 11, 2022

Hello Richard,

I purchased a Emperor Grandfather clock from an Auction but it has no weights. The Emperor Store on line is Out of Stock. Do you where I might be able to purchase them. I need 101M
Premier Clocks
Premier Clocks

August 23, 2022

Hi Raymond!

The weight placement depends on the manufacturer. You can try placing the heaviest weight on the right, the second heaviest in the middle, and the least heavy on the left. This should work.
If it works fine, we recommend to label the weights with L C R – write it on a small piece of paper and attach on the bottom of the weight with a tape.

Best wishes,
Premier Clocks

Raymond P LeBlanc
Raymond P LeBlanc

August 23, 2022

All three weights are not marked anywhere on them. One is 4.2 lbs – second is 4.3 lbs third is 6.13 lbs what position should these be L C R thankyou

Jojith Antony
Jojith Antony

August 13, 2022

Looking for replacement weights for ridgeway grandfather clock guess 1982 model

Premier Clocks
Premier Clocks

August 01, 2022

Hi Patricia! The weights should be marked with L (left), C (center) or R (right) on the bottom with where it should be positioned. Please notice that you should be facing your clock.

Patricia Beck
Patricia Beck

August 01, 2022

All three weights weigh differently. How do I position them?

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